Post-Graduate Certificate

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Post-Graduate Certificate Purpose and Outcomes

The purpose of the post-graduate certificate is to provide additional specialized graduate education to nurses who have already earned a master's in nursing and who wish to practice as nurse practitioner, nurse educator or nurse administrator.

Program outcomes

Essential I: Background for Practice from Sciences and Humanities
Essentials VIII: Clinical Prevention and Population Health for Improving Health
Essentials IX: Master's-Level Nursing Practice

  • Apply broad, organizational, patient-centered, ethical, and culturally responsive concepts into daily practice.
  • Demonstrate theoretical knowledge from nursing and other disciplines to advanced role practice in nursing for analysis of clinical problems, illness prevention and health-promotion strategies.
  • Utilize quality processes to evaluate outcomes of aggregates and monitor trends in health care.

Essential II: Organizational and Systems Leadership
Essential III: Quality Improvement and Safety

  • Analyze the impact of systems on patient outcomes.
  • Demonstrate leadership in providing quality, cost-effective care, with management of human, fiscal and physical resources.

Essential IV: Translating and Integrating Scholarship into Practice

  • Apply translational research in the practice setting through problem identification, systematic inquiry and continuous improvement processes.

Essential V: Informatics and Health Care Technologies

  • Utilize current technologies to deliver, enhance and document care across multiple settings to achieve optimal outcomes.

Essentials VI: Health Policy and Advocacy

  • Articulate change within organizational structures of various health care delivery systems to impact policy, financing and access to quality health care.

Essentials VII: Interprofessional Collaboration for Improving Patient and Population Health Outcomes

  • Lead and coordinate interdisciplinary teams across care environments to reduce barriers, facilitate access to care and improve health outcomes.